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Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies with Sea Salt

6 Mar

I am not going to tell you how many of these cookies I just had. For breakfast. I think the amount of oatmeal supersedes any need to think of these as dessert. In my book the oatmeal just makes these an anytime of day food. They are super chewy  and delicious.


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Candy Cane Cookies

26 Dec

Nostalgia always gets the best of me starting in October all the way up until the New Year.  While browsing around Pinterest, again, I saw a link for Candy Cane Cookies and it made me very happy.  My aunt used to make my cousins and I these cookies during the Christmas season when we were kids and I loved them so much.  Although my cousin Amanda and I are over 2,000 miles away sometimes we have the same thought and coincidentally this time, cookies were involved, Candy Cane Cookies.

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5 Dec


Kouloura are a Greek cookie. I guess it would be considered a butter cookie; it is slightly sweet and crumbly. They are perfect for eating and/or dunking in coffee.

In fact, I had my first taste of coffee with these cookies. I remember my dad sitting at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee and a koulouri. He would dunk it and I would get to eat the coffee moistened cookie, delicious!

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